This particular balsam fir comes from up on the Canadian border from Christmas tree farms that became overgrown. Idaho Balsam Fir is in the pine family of essential oils.There is some evidence now that the “liquid gold” referred to in the Bible was none other than Balsam, an oil fit for kings and royalty. It was one of the three oils found in King Tutankhamun’s grave in 1922 and it is now thought that balsam was the “Balm of Gilead.” Balsam has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal oil for respiratory and muscular and rheumatic pain. Balsam Fir is mentioned 18 times in the Bible in 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, the Psalms, the Song of Solomon, and in the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Nahum and Zechariah.
How Did Medieval Healers Use Balsam Fir?
Balsam fir has been used for respiratory and muscular system ailments. In the 12th century, Hildegard of Bingen referred to balsam and said it was of “royal nature” and advised that it ought to be used as a medicine with great caution because it was so powerful. She used it for fevers, for paralysis, and for someone who was insane by making an ointment with it and rubbing it on their temples and around the head to restore their mind and good health.
How Can Balsam Fir Help Us Stay Healthy Today?
Balsam fir has proved to be an anticoagulant and an anti-inflammatory. It is used by many massage therapists because it is a relaxant to the nervous system and to muscle spasms. Balsam can lower cortisol levels. Studies have shown that balsam will inhibit MCF7- (Aggressive Breast Cancer cells). Idaho Balsam Fir and Frankincense work great together inhibiting cancers in seven different cancer lines. Balsam is used for throat, lung, sinus infections, for fatigue, arthritis and rheumatism. It is also good for urinary tract infections, for scoliosis, lumbago and sciatica. The main effects of Idaho Balsam fir is anti-inflammatory.
How Is Balsam Fir Used?
This oil can be inhaled, applied neat (undiluted) on the body or diluted one part Idaho Balsam Fir to one part mixing oil. It can be diffused or taken as a dietary supplement and can be applied on location for muscle spasms. as for safety, Idaho Balsam fir is non-toxic.
For more information on how this ancient oil has modern day applications, you may wish to attend an aromatherapy program that discusses the Biblical oils. The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy offers courses across the United States and it discusses the biblical oils including balsam fir.
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