Citronella Oil Benefits for Kids


Citronella oil is one of the most widely used essential oils in both aromatherapy and commercial products. Citronella with its many benefits is commercially used in preservatives, deodorants, mosquito repellents etc. What has stayed out of the lime light are citronella oil benefits for kids. The most extensive use of citronella oil for kids is in a mosquito repellent. Multiple brands have come up with bands, patches, candles, diffusers that use citronella as the active ingredient to ward of mosquitoes. Citronella is the most widely used natural mosquito repellent given its efficiency.

Here are some lesser known benefits of citronella oil for kids

1. Mosquito repellent: Citronella works by masking the smells that mosquitoes use to locate humans. Citronella oil has a rather lemony citrus smell that mosquitoes tend to avoid. Citronella mosquito repellents include patches, bands, creams, lotions, gels, candles, diffusers, vaporizers etc. of these the bands and patches are the most efficient ones. Bands and patches are easy to use either slapped on the hand and ankle, stuck on clothes, caps strollers etc. The only drawback with these is the fact that they need frequent re-application. Apart from that these are by far the safest mosquito repellents for kids.

2. Antiseptic: Citronella has antiseptic properties. It sanitizes wounds and prevents infection. It is Mother Nature’s own antiseptic. However, one should exercise caution about the amount and method of using citronella oil as an antiseptic for the young ones. Citronella while mostly safe can cause allergies, irritation and itching on the skin if not used with proper caution. A few drops of citronella oil can be added to the water used to clean wounds and also when cleaning floors to sanitize the surface.

3. Deodorant: A lot of kids as they grow older tend to have body odor issues due to hormonal changes and food habits. Citronella is an effective natural deodorant. It’s best that kids stay away from alcohol and chemical laden deo sprays that can cause health issues for them. Use a couple of drops of good quality citronella essential oil in the bathing water to tackle body odor issues naturally. Plus it leaves the kids smelling citrusy fresh all day long

4. Mood elevator: Kids tend to have their gloomy days. Nothing better than diffusing some drops of citronella to elevate their mood. It is a known anti-depressant. It helps kids feel happier and up lifts their mood without them even knowing. It is a good way to wake kids up to the smell of citronella. It helps keep them more alert and active.

Citronella while inherently safe, is still a very potent essential oil that is absorbed in the body. Adequate caution should be exercised by adults when considering use of this oil for kids, since they have delicate systems. Citronella oil when used properly will help solve a lot of kid’s health problems. So be wise, stay educated and do not experiment till you have mastered the art of using essential oils especially for kids and avail the citronella oil benefits.

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