Why do people undergo abortion? Yes, there can be a plethora of reasons but the most common reason seems to be unplanned pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies can result due to a number of reasons. You might not have used contraceptive methods or not have thought that pregnancy could occur.
In a recent survey, 70 out of the 100 women interviewed, revealed that theirs’ was an unplanned pregnancy and they had to fight a lot of hardships and financial issues to raise their child. Giving birth to a child is not an easy task and this is why a woman should think twice before conceiving a baby. The different types of contraceptive methods that are easily available in today’s time can help stop unwanted pregnancies and allow a couple to get ready for a planned pregnancy when the time is right.
· Barrier Methods – The first type of contraceptive method is the barrier method which prevents the sperm from entering the uterus. Barrier methods include male and female condoms, use of spermicides, contraceptive sponges or cervical caps that are easily available at drug stores. A nation-wide survey in 2012 revealed that 85 percent couples between the ages of 18 – 45 prefer using the barrier method as a contraceptive.
· Hormonal Methods – This method uses hormones to regulate ovulation or stop it and prevent pregnancy. Combined oral contraceptives, progestin-only pills and contraceptive patches are some of the common hormonal methods used. In a study in California, it was revealed that more than 95 percent of women aged 15-44 have used one type of hormonal method or another to prevent pregnancy and were successful in doing so.
· Intrauterine Method – This method involves the use of a small T-shaped device which is inserted into the uterus to stop pregnancy from taking place. One can choose between a copper and hormonal IUD which prevents the sperm from reaching the eggs and fertilizing them. Around 20 percent of the nation’s married women aged 25-39 get an IUD inserted in their uterus to prevent pregnancy every year.
· Sterilization – Being a permanent method to stop a woman from getting pregnant or a man from releasing his sperm, this method is not very popular in today’s time. One can opt for a sterilization implant, tubal ligation or vasectomy in the process of sterilization. According to a recent survey, only 2-3 percent of the people worldwide opt for this method of contraceptive every year.
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